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Daily Field Report

Date :09/03/2024
Project No :2023C180
Client Company :Artisan Communities
Arrival Time :09/03/2024 08:00
Onsite Hours :08:30
Name of the Project :Lakeside Sub. - Lovers Lane, Calhoun
Project Location :Calhoun
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :09/03/2024 16:30
ASEC Technician Name :Solomon Cherie


Upon arrival I communicate the Super of grading co. Then he infirmed me they are working storm and sewer lines.

The sewer line is at 10.1-10.2and it is 160′ long and 8′ deep. They are backfilling with gav rock (see the attachment) from bottom to top. The back fill is done with 1′ lift and compaction.

The storm line is line 12 b/n Bb9 and BB10 manhole. It is 137′ long & 5′ deep (see the attachment). Back fill is 1′ gav rock at the bottom and then dirt very 1 ‘ lift.

Storm line

Sewer line

Lake side project site

Technician Signature / DateSolomon Cherie, September 3, 2024