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Daily Field Report

Date :07/11/2024
Project No :2024C116
Client Company :Peeples Owner, LLC
Arrival Time :07/11/2024
Onsite Hours :
Name of the Project :Peeples Valley Rd, Overlook at Pettit
Project Location :Cartersville
Weather :overcast
Departure Time :07/11/2024
ASEC Technician Name :Russell Hendrix


As requested, the site was visited by our AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services.  Visual observation techniques were employed to verify compliance with project drawing/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were observed on site this day.

Request Summary:

A request was made for a footing inspection for the modular block wall B located southeast of the detention pond at the Peeples Valley development.

Site Visit Details:

  • Date of Inspection: July 11, 2024
  • Location: Southeast of the detention pond, Peeples Valley Development
  • RWalls Manager on Site: Ron (770-974-0513)
  • Required Bearing Pressure: Minimum of 1200 PSI (information as per Ron with RWalls)


  1. Footing Excavation:
    • The footing for retaining wall “B” had been excavated prior to observation.
  2. Visual Inspection:
    • A small section (approximately 5 linear feet) on the north end of wall “B” near the existing black corrugated pipe had been excavated an additional 20 inches below grade.
    • This area had been filled with approximately 6 inches of water, which was removed, and was subsequently filled with No. 57 stone and geotextile fabric.
  3. Probing Results:
    • Approximately 110 linear feet of the footing, from the north end going south, was found to not meet job specifications for soil bearing pressures, including the over-excavated area.
  4. ASEC PE Recommendation:
    • Ram Mogulla, P.E. with ASEC recommended widening the footing from 2 feet to 4 feet and an additional undercutting of 6 inches.
    • Increase the No. 57 stone required from 6 inches to 12 inches.
  5. Acceptable Footing:
    • The remaining 88 feet (approximately) of the excavated footing was found to be acceptable and unchanged.
  6. Remediation:
    • The widening of the approximately 110 feet of linear footing and the addition of No. 57 stone was observed.
    • No further observations were made.


The inspected section of the footing had some deficiencies that required remediation. Following our engineer’s recommendations, the necessary adjustments were made.


  • Verify that all future footing excavations are observed as they are performed.
  • Maintain clear communication with engineering personnel to address any issues promptly.


Widened footing with 57 stone

Footing with 57 stone

footing running under pipe at over excavation area

Soil inspection

Technician Signature / DateRussell Hendrix, July 11, 2024
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, July 18, 2024