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Daily Field Report

Date :05/29/2024
Project No :2024C116
Client Company :Peeples Owner, LLC
Arrival Time :05/29/2024
Onsite Hours :
Name of the Project :Peeples Valley Rd, Overlook at Pettit
Project Location :Cartersville
Weather :sunny
Departure Time :06/29/2024
ASEC Technician Name :Russell Hendrix


As requested, the site was visited by our AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services.  Visual observation techniques were employed to verify compliance with project drawing/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were observed on site this day.


Upon arrival at Peeples Valley, assessments were conducted on section 1, measuring approximately 200 feet by 100 feet. This report outlines the findings regarding compaction testing, remediation efforts, and discussions with stakeholders regarding moisture issues adjacent to the detention pond.

Assessment Details:

  • Compaction Testing: Compaction testing was conducted using a Troxler 3430 with serial number 30942. Testing revealed acceptable compaction throughout the section, except for a specific area in the far north. (Compaction was completed with a ride-on vibratory sheeps-foot roller).
  • Proof Roll: A proof roll was performed in the aforementioned problematic area (approximately 40 feet by 40 feet) using a loaded tandem off-road This area failed due to significant pumping caused by high moisture contents in the underlying subgrade.
  • Remediation Efforts: A request was made to the foreman for scarification and aeration of the identified area; however, remediation actions were not observed. An additional lift was conducted, excluding the failed area, which yielded acceptable results.

Discussion with Stakeholders:

  • Owner/Developer: Concerns were raised by the owner/developer regarding the high moisture area adjacent to the detention pond. Discussions ensued regarding potential remediation measures.
  • ASEC engineer, Ram Mogulla: Contact was made with Mr. Mogulla regarding the remediation issue. He proposed alternative measures, including draining the detention pond, installing another burrito wrap, and utilizing a 2-foot bridge lift in the area.


  • Consider Alternative Remediation Measures: While soil cement was proposed by the owner/developer, alternative measures suggested by Mr. Mogulla may offer a higher chance of success. These include draining the detention pond, implementing an additional burrito wrap, and utilizing a 2-foot bridge lift.
  • Clarify Burrito Wrap: There is ambiguity regarding the permanency of the burrito wrap. Further clarification is needed to determine whether it will be a temporary or permanent solution.


The assessment revealed challenges in a specific area of section 1 due to high moisture content in the subgrade.  Continued collaboration with stakeholders and further assessment of proposed remediation options are recommended to ensure the successful resolution of the identified issues.

Please let us know if you need further information or clarification on any aspect of the report.

Area adjacent to detention pond requiring remediation.

Testing section 1

testing section 1

section 1 overview

Technician Signature / DateRussell Hendrix, May 29, 2024
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, July 15, 2024