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Daily Field Report

Date :05/20/2024
Project No :2022C178
Client Company :CW Matthews
Arrival Time :05/20/2024 7:00
Onsite Hours :10:00
Name of the Project :Ramp 2 Pavement Replacement
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :sunny
Departure Time :05/20/2024 17:00
ASEC Technician Name :Aminullah Azimi


As requested, our AS Engineering & Consulting (ASEC) representative was on site to observe the following:

  • A pre-pour and concrete observation performed in the Ramp 2, phase 7, Lane 1, and 5, on panels.  The contractor completed rebar and dowel placement for these panels.
  • The writer visually inspected the installation and setup of these lanes and advised the contractor representatives of any minor corrections that were required.
  • Contractor cleaned loose rock and debris and puddles of water from the base.
  • Dowel bars have epoxy. Embedment depth was found to be 15″ into concrete.
  • The reinforcing steel was checked for correct size, number of bars, location of bars, spacing, cleanliness, support against displacement, splicing, clearance and steel grade. Based on visual observations and field measurements, the reinforcing steel at the utility panel, appeared to be acceptable for size, spacing and quantity.
  • Concrete observed on this date appeared to be placed in compliance with project specifications with regard to temperature, slump, air content, and batch to placement time
  • Our representative along with Saleem of ATLQA and  Keith the ATLNext representative and CWM rep signed the pre-pour card.

Technician Signature / DateAminullah Azimi, May 20, 2024
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, July 12, 2024