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Daily Field Report

Date :05/07/2024
Project No :2024C112
Client Company :SR Homes
Arrival Time :05/07/2024
Onsite Hours :
Name of the Project :Sterlington
Project Location :Canton
Weather :sunny
Departure Time :05/07/2024
ASEC Technician Name :Russell Hendrix


As requested, the site was visited by our AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services.  Visual observation techniques were employed to verify compliance with project drawing/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were observed on site this day:

Overview: A modular block wall construction project was continued adjacent to (behind) Lots #24 and 25, totaling approximately 200 feet in length with an angle at 90 feet. The following report outlines the activities conducted and observations made during the construction process.

Observations: Upon arrival at the site, it was observed that a significant amount of water had accumulated on the existing lift, as depicted in the attached photo. A discussion was initiated with the ASEC PE (Professional Engineer), and it was unanimously agreed upon by all parties to remove 6 inches of the previous lift. This decision was made in response to a prior rain event.

Construction Process: Before commencing the next lift, a vibratory ride-on sheepsfoot compactor was employed for the majority of compaction. Additionally, a trench packer was utilized adjacent to the wall, as shown in the attached photo. Soil placement was carried out using a Kabelco excavator, followed by leveling of each lift using a skid steer. Four lifts were completed, with each lift having a depth of approximately 12 inches.

Quality Control Measures: After compaction of each lift, a 3/8-inch probe rod was utilized to probe approximately 1/2 inch in various locations to verify adequate compaction. Fabric was incorporated at the third lift for added reinforcement. It is noted that Moisture-Density relationship (proctor) results were not available, and nuclear density testing was not performed during this phase of construction.

Conclusion: No further observations were made on the day of the report.

Retaining wall at end of day

Spreading backfill

Block filled with 57 stone

Retaining wall beginning of day with high moisture content on previous days lift.

Using trench packer against wall

Technician Signature / DateRussell Hendrix, May 7, 2024
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, July 10, 2024