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Daily Field Report

Date :11/28/2023
Project No :2023C111
Client Company :2MATL
Arrival Time :11/28/2023
Onsite Hours :
Name of the Project :DOA Fiber Infrastructure Improvements
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :overcast
Departure Time :11/28/2023
ASEC Technician Name :Russell Hendrix


As requested, the site was visited by our AS Engineering and Consulting (ASEC) representative for the purpose of providing quality control inspection and testing services.  Visual observation techniques were employed to verify compliance with project drawing/specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. The following observations were observed on site this day.

A request was made by BBH for QC observations at the Vault #1 site. Upon arrival at approximately 7 am, it was observed that BBH was in the process of removing soil and replacing it with temporary surge stone.

Several pieces of heavy machinery were present on-site, including an excavator, mini-excavator, and skid steer. Additionally, two loads of surge stone were delivered to the site during the observation period.

The activities observed primarily consisted of soil excavation and replacement with surge stone, suggesting preparations for further construction or installation work at the Vault #1 site.

No further observations or notable activities were made during the duration of the QC observation period.

Attached to this report is documentation, including any photos or additional information gathered during the QC observation.

Should you require further information or have any inquiries regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Technician Signature / DateRussell Hendrix, November 28, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, March 15, 2024