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Daily Field Report

Date :10/03/2023
Project No :2022C165
Client Company :Toll Bros. Inc.
Arrival Time :10/03/2023 08:00
Onsite Hours :04:00
Name of the Project :Northfield @ Polo Fields - Phase2
Project Location :Pittman Road, Cumming, GA
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :10/03/2023 12:00
ASEC Technician Name :Vidal Dias


On October 3, 2023, Vidal Dias of AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, LLC (ASEC) visited the site at the contractor’s request to observe proof-rolling of the subgrade on streets Travers Lane and Asprey Court, as outlined in the reference drawing below.

Proof-rolling was conducted with a loaded dump truck and revealed no major pumping or rutting on Travers Lane. However, on Asprey Court, two distinct zones of deflection were identified:

  1. Zone A: Situated approximately 5 feet in width by 60 feet in length, with observed deflection reaching a depth of 8 inches.
  2. Zone B: Covering a span of about 5 feet in width by 20 feet in length, also with a deflection depth of 8 inches.

Based on these findings, it is recommended to excavate and undercut both affected areas to a depth of 8 inches (matching the observed deflection) and then backfill these sections with additional Graded Aggregate Base (GAB) to ensure the subgrade’s integrity and stability. These identified zones and our recommended remediation measures were discussed with the contractor on-site.

Following these suggested interventions, the subgrade on Asprey Court should be adequately prepared and stabilized for the planned construction activities.

AS Engineering and Consulting, LLC values the chance to assist with this project. Should there be any questions or need for further clarifications regarding this report or its associated materials, kindly reach out to us.

Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, October 3, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, October 08, 2023