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Daily Field Report

Date :09/22/2023
Project No :2022C227
Client Company :Artisan
Arrival Time :09/22/2023 14:00
Onsite Hours :03:00
Name of the Project :Riverwalk Manor (CMT) Unit 2, PH 4E and 4F
Project Location :Dallas
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :09/22/2023 17:00
ASEC Technician Name :Vidal Dias


The undersigned ASEC representative was on-site to observe and document activities. During the site visit, several key activities were observed. In the south-west portion of the site, specifically for Lots #55 to 59, sewer pipes were being placed. The geological characteristics of this area were notably rocky. The placement of these sewer pipes appeared to be installed as per drawing specifications. Moving to the north side, behind Lot #423 and 424, excavation and placement of large boulder fill was underway. The geological characteristics of this area included the presence of large boulder fill. The boulder fill should not be utilized within the top 10 feet of areas requiring structural fill. Lastly, significant soil deflection was observed in the area designated for future road construction, specifically in front of Lots #428 and 426.  Surficial soil stabilization will be required to remediate the deflecting soils.



Sewage Placement for Lots #55 – 59

  • Location: South-west portion of the site
  • Geological Characteristics: Rocky terrain
  • Activity Observed: Sewage pipes were being placed.
  • Compliance: The placement was in accordance with the drawing specifications.
  • Recommendations: No immediate corrective actions are required.

Boulder Fill Excavation for Lots #423 and 424

  • Location: North side behind lots 423 and 424
  • Geological Characteristics: Presence of large boulder fill
  • Activity Observed: Excavation and placement of large boulder fill.
  • Compliance: Not assessed during this visit.
  • Recommendations: Further geotechnical analysis may be required.

Rutting Near Lots #428 and 426

  • Location: Future street construction area in front of Lot #428 and 426.
  • Geological Characteristics: Not specified.
  • Activity Observed: Soil deflection.
  • Compliance: Not in accordance with standard construction practices.
  • Recommendations: Remediation of deflecting soils are required.

Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, September 22, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, September 24, 2023