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Daily Field Report

Date :07/17/2023
Project No :2023C136
Client Company :Excellere
Arrival Time :07/17/2023 09:30
Onsite Hours :03:30
Name of the Project :Big Creek Boardwalks
Project Location :Alpharetta
Weather :Clear skies
Departure Time :07/17/2023 13:00
ASEC Technician Name :Ramchandra Mogulla


At the request of the client’s representative, the above mentioned representative from AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, LLC (ASEC) visited the job site to observe the contractor’s work activities from a quality perspective, evaluating compliance with project drawings, specifications, applicable codes, and materials submittals. We also conducted quality control (QC) testing in accordance with the project drawings and specifications.

During our recent site visit, we observed the various aspects of the project, and report our findings to you:

  1. Concrete Placement at Abutment (STA 10+19.17):
    • We observed the concrete placement for the abutment located at the begining of the boardwalk.
    • The reinforcement was verified and found to be in general accordance with the project drawings and details B-B’ and C-C’ for size, spacing and quantity.
    • A 3-inch clearance was noted, as per the details, during our visual inspection.
  2. Concrete Quality Control (QC) Testing:
    • We conducted quality control (QC) testing and visual observations for the concrete placed.
    • Concrete slump was measured, and it was noted to be 3 inches.
    • Visual inspection verified that fresh concrete placed was vibrated during placement.
    • The percentage of air in the concrete was observed to be 2%.
    • A set of 4- 6″X12″ cylinders were made and will be transported to the lab the next day.

If you have any questions, require further clarification, or would like to discuss any aspect of our observations and documentation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are more than happy to assist and provide any additional information you may need.

Once again, thank you for entrusting AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, LLC (ASEC) with this important task, and we look forward to continuing our collaborative relationship in the future.

Rebar and formwork before placement

Rebar and formwork before placement

Rebar and formwork before placement

Rebar and formwork before placement

Technician Signature / DateRamchandra Mogulla, July 17, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, September 15, 2023