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Daily Field Report

Date :08/17/2023
Project No :2022C227
Client Company :Artisan
Arrival Time :08/17/2023 8:00
Onsite Hours :04:00
Name of the Project :Riverwalk Manor (CMT) Unit 2, PH 4E and 4F
Project Location :Dallas
Weather :sunny
Departure Time :08/17/2023 12:00
ASEC Technician Name :Aminullah Azimi


The undersigned arrived on site, as requested, to observe: the backfill on Sower line but it was not ready in this day, the project is canceled by contractor.

Technician Signature / DateAminullah Azimi, August 17, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateRamchandra Mogulla, September 14, 2023