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Daily Field Report

Date :02/15/2023
Project No :2022C190
Client Company :DRH
Arrival Time :02/15/2023 10:10
Onsite Hours :05:45
Name of the Project :Lakes at Statham
Project Location :Barrow County
Weather :
Departure Time :02/15/2023 16:00
ASEC Technician Name :Russell Hendrix


Our AS ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, LLC representative visited the site at the client’s request to perform DCP testing on Lots #72, 73, 74, 75, and 76. Unconsolidated soft soils were encountered in the top 12 inches in Lots #74B, 76A, and 73C.
Water was encountered between three and four feet in Lots #72, 75, and 76.
DCP data and drawings are attached:

Lot 72A-South Side
1- 13 Brown, Sandy SILT.
2- AR

Lot 72 Offset
1- 13- Brown, Sandy, SILT.
2- 7- Brown, Sandy, SILT.
3- 10- Gray, Sandy, CLAY.
4- 8- Gray, Sandy, CLAY.

Lot 73C-North Side
1- 1- Brown, Sandy SILT.
2- 3- Brown, Sandy SILT.
3- 6- Red, brown, Sandy SILT.
4- 18- Purple, brown, Sandy SILT.

Lot 73B- Middle Side
1- AR

Lot 73 Offset
1- 6- Brown, Sandy CLAY.
2- 10- Brown, Sandy CLAY.
3- 12- Brown, Sandy SILT.
4- 16- Brown, Sandy SILT.

Lot 74A-North Side
1- 7- Gray, Sandy CLAY.
2- 10- Brown, Sandy CLAY.
3- 8- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
4- 17- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.

Lot 74B-South Side
1- 3- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
2- 14- Red, brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
3- 9- White, brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
4- 20- White, micaceous, Sandy SILT.

Lot 75A-North Side Nearest road
1- 13- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
2- 20- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
3- 20- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
4- 20- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.

Lot 75B
1- 8- Gray, Sandy CLAY.
2- 12- Brown, Sandy CLAY.
3- 13- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.
4- 15- Brown, micaceous, Sandy SILT.

Lot 76A-South Side
1- 8- Gray, Sandy CLAY.
2- 6- Gray, Sandy CLAY.
3- 6- Gray, Sandy CLAY.
4- 8- Gray, Sandy CLAY.

Lot 76B
1- AR

Lot 76C-North Side Nearest Road
1- 2- Red, Sandy SILT.
2- 3- Red, Sandy SILT.
3- 5- Gray, Sandy CLAY.
4- 5- Brownish red, CLAY.

Lot 72

Lot 73

Lot 74

Lot 75

Lot 76

Lot 72 Drawing

Lot 73 Drawing

Technician Signature / DateVidal Dias, February 15, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, March 14, 2023