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Concrete Test Report

Date :01/24/2023
Project No :2022C182
Client Company :Excellere
Arrival Time :01/24/2023 8:30
Onsite Hours :03:00
Name of the Project :Eastside Trolley Trail
Project Location :Atlanta
Weather :Sunny
Departure Time :01/24/2023 11:30
ASEC Technician Name :Aminullah Azimi

Concrete Placement Information

Testing: 1 Set of concrete specimens (6 Cylinders per set) were cast during the cast-in-place concrete pour at the above referenced location, in accordance with ASTM C31. The cylinders will remain on site for the initial 24-48 hrs curing.

Field placement of concrete appeared to be in accordance with the project specifications (i.e., slump, temperature, etc) (refer to remarks below)

Deviations and/or noncompliances were noted during the field placement (refer to remarks below)

Pick Up:
1 Sets of concrete cylinders/ 6 cylinders per set were picked up & transported to AS Engineering and Consulting LLC (ASEC) for curing and testing in accordance with ASTM C39, C670/1231
Field Curing: Cylinders were stored for the initial 24 hours
Near the poured structure
In an insulated curing box
Remarks: Our ASEC representative arrived on site, as requested, to observe: The placement of 18 cubic yards of 1540075 GA DOT 24 MR concrete for the driveway, from STA 26+00 to STA 26+00. The required test limits were determined to be within a slump of 2-4 inches, batch to placement time of 0-90 minutes, Air content 3% - 6% and concrete temperature range of 55-95 degrees Fahrenheit. Concrete observed on this date appeared to be placed in compliance with project specifications with regard to temperature, slump, air content, and batch to placement time. The following samples were obtained for compressive strength testing in our laboratory: Set A: 1 set of 6 lab cylinders for driveway.
Technician Signature / DateAminullah Azimi, January 24, 2023
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, January 29, 2023