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Daily Field Report

Date :09/25/2022
Project No :2021C002
Client Company :CW Matthews
Arrival Time :09/25/2022 06:00
Onsite Hours :10:00
Name of the Project :Runway 9L End Around Taxiway
Project Location :HJAIA
Weather :
Departure Time :09/25/2022 16:00
ASEC Technician Name :Rasheen Biggins


As requested, our ASEC representative arrived on site to observe site activities. The contractor wanted to start placing fill in STA 408+20 to STA 408+60 of Phase 4 of the taxiway.  Density tests were taken during the procedure and can be found in the attached density report. Density tests were also taken on STA 403+25 to STA 406+20.  Following successful compaction results, the contractor then began to place fill in the STA 408+20 area of the taxiway and southern shoulder of the taxiway at STA 408+20 to STA 409+20. Density testing was then performed following compaction of this lift. Density test results were found to meet job specifications for STA 408+20 in the taxiway. The soil placed on the shoulder were found to have higher than normal moisture contents which resulted in failing density tests.  QC and ASEC recommended that the contractors open up this shoulder area approximately 1ft in depth to allow aeration. The contractor then placed the final lift for the day.

Technician Signature / DateRasheen Biggins, September 25, 2022
Reviewer Name / DateKenneth Mosman, October 23, 2022